Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sending Out Smoke Signals

As Fall is fast approaching we are sending out smoke signals via our soldering iron. Check out the latest addition of our soldered creations here. These fanciful Hallows Eve Charms are limited in availability so be the first to select yours.

Get ready for Fall is near!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today's Weather Made Me Think

Todays weather has made me think forward to the finer days to come. The season I now as an adult look forward to most is "indian summer." Growing up in the west hand of Michigan and spending summer afternoons on my grandparents apple farm my Grandmother and I would debate what time of the year was the best. I being a smart nine year old would boast Christmas every time because I knew what that meant– presents. She would often disagree and say "Indian Summer." At the time I could never understand for one, Indian Summer was not listed anywhere to my education a true season, a nine year old only knew: Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.

But Indian Summer meant to her the end of a long hard working season of fruit growing, gardening and harvesting. A time where you can enjoy the sunny days at leisure, take in the sun with a walk to the pond for an afternoon of fishing, reading on a blanket near the porch or going out to Oval Beach and walk shin high with your pants rolled up against the chasing waves. These were the moments worth waiting for, moments of a self employed farmer enjoying time earned.

For those who are not certain Indian Summer is usually late October after the leaves have turned following an onset of frost where the weather is sunny clear and above 70 °F. In this area of Missouri it is hard to say if we will see an Indian Summer or not every year. All I know is that if I look ahead and see a glimpse of good weather to come after the frost as put my garden to rest I can assure you I too may spend an afternoon walking near the lake and taking in the sunshine.

Enjoy your evening, take a break and go outside!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

For the Love of Bugs?

Strange as how I have come to love bugs like food (not to eat mind you) but pure fascination. Weird how you can spend time and not look up at the sky for a mere moment and miss something oddly spectacular. Have I built the suspense yet?

While I was patiently waiting with my youngest kiddo in the car for the oldest to finish VB practice, a nice hour refuge of speaking to the folks, finished reading a fabulous cookbook I just bought at Border's earlier, to messing with my iphone till everything I could possibly do to entertain myself with this goofball's foot tapping my head I look up to the sky and see it... what looked to be 20 or more tiny tiny birds. But on closer inspection what was really more like 50 or so buzzing dragon flies. Dragon flies, nearly two stories up in the area whirling back and forth above the treetops. How weird, usually you see randomly one in the back yard whirl by or around a pond or pool. But there were so many. I said, "Hey kiddo, look at those birds!" Astounding to me was the uninterested, "Uh, yeah mom those are bugs, I seen em." I should have know the most interesting thing in the car was the chocolate chip cookies she offered to "chump on" with me if I wanted to join her.

So, I spent the next 10 minutes starring up. Watching to see if any actually would bump paths and saw a few had near misses. I guess if you are going to watch bugs, watch with the car window shut. I had several mosquito's hitching a ride home with me as well.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Okay the perfectionist that I am, I should have read what I wrote before posting. Typos, I am horrified, I guess I am to blame my inner belly waiting for the dinger on the triple berry blossoms in the oven. I would probably have let this all go, but dear God, I messed up the link to the Apple Almond Cake and we just can't have that!

Here you go, Apple Almond Cake enjoy!

For The Love of Food

I would like to take this moment and thank everyone who stopped by my studio last friday, it was wonderful to see faces that I haven't encountered all summer. Shame on me!

Any-hoo, I was just taking sometime researching recipes because as always this time of year it hits me- baking, roasting, putting yummy stew in the crock pot. Mmm, getting very hungry now. Above in the beautiful photo of what looks to be my next grocery shopping list is borrowed from www.inspiredtaste.net check it out for yourself. A very talented chef, and amazing photographer with wonderful recipes to share.

So far here are my favorites to try:

Smoke Salmon Baked Wonton Cups (Possibility for Bunko?)

Chocolate Zucchini Bread (My friend Pat gave me wonderful blueberry zucchini bread for my birthday, maybe I will surprise her with this !)

Apple Almond Cake (You had me at Apple, Almond, Cake... need I say more) Plus, the cute kitty is by far the sweetest I have ever seen.

Chicken Enchiladas (I think the whole family will enjoy this one.)

I vow to try everyone of these recipes this fall, if you try one or two let me know what you think of them as well. Thanks to Joanne for inspiring my taste and hopefully new menu ideas to shake things up in our household. Also, I will have to vow more time on the tread mill I am afraid.

BTW, if you are ever down in out for something really really good and really easy (dare I say from the freezer section of walmart, dare I say Great Value generic brand) try the Triple Berry Blossoms. Perfect fix with a little vanilla ice cream. Got some cook'n now!

Till later!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

While I've Been Busy So Has She!

It has been a long hot summer and my little gardner has been busy as well. Meet Bonnie (not the kiddo, the cabbage). Bonnie has been a summer long project my kiddo has decided to do through a school incentive program from Bonnie Nurseries. The motivation being a $1000 scholarship for the largest grown cabbage. She weighed in at 10 lbs and due to the heat we plucked her from her bed and now is in the garage fridge awaiting a "feast" according to Mad of cabbage soup for the whole family- yum. Unfortunately, I don't know that it is going to make it, nor do I think I could make cabbage soup.

So, I thought I would share this personal tid bit, and for those who really "get" the importance of cultivating new minds and new things will understand my little promotion idea for my studio opening tomorrow. If you have already planned to stop by, and if you say to me or my good buddies helping me "Wow, that Bonnie is one huge cabbage" I will give you 30% off any one item. What a deal eh? (I am banking she is going to win that scholarship)!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I have been busy working on custom photo charms for Charmed By Artistudio's first showcase this friday. Look and see how versatile with the change of a ribbon to chain. Can even be layered with the new funky line of jewelry I used with cloth beads and felt. As you can see color makes me happy! And all things old of course. Isn't my shop girl a cutie?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Look and see the front half of my studio, cozy albeit but functional. I am almost ready for my first personal showing!

This little lady is ready to display her wares... this friday, August 13th we are finally having our first studio showcase! I hope everyone is as excited as I am. I have been feverishly working on lanyards for all my nurse and teacher friends and much more. See below the nifty little necklace I have yet to name... it is a bohemian of sorts looking bead work, maybe someone could help a gal out? I maybe inspired to see a little collection through with this look... anyone who could offer a catchy name to this collection would be in for a neat discount! Let me know what you have and post your comment. (By the way the sweet little cutie in this charm, is my nephew the "Cole" man!)

Above, is the display for my custom charms. These charms can be treasured heirlooms for you of your beloved children or dare I say favorite pet and or husband (tee-hee). Many sizes to choose from as well, as wording for the back side. You will find more details on my website after my first showcase date this friday, August 13th. Hope to see you there!

Till then have a good night!